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    Hi Everyone !

    Today, the book is 'The One I love' from Anna McPartlin


    Anna McPartlin was born in DublinIreland, in 1972. As a teenager she grew up with her aunt and uncle as a fosterling in KenmareCounty Kerry. She studied marketing before working as a stand-up comedian. Her novels (since 2006) were translated into German. She is married and lives in Dublin.


    Review :

    Thanks to the author who show us the real friendship.

    I pleased to read this book. The friendship between the characters is very special.  This story show us what is the real friendship, how to act with friends who you love, and when you love real your friends, never give up. It’s a good lesson for the people in the world who would take it for an exemple in their life.

    Once again, thanks to the author.


    See you soon !!


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    Hi everyone !

    The first book for this month is 'Little Girl Lost' by Brian McGilloway



    Brian Gilloway :

    Brian McGilloway was born in Derry, Northern Ireland in 1974. After studying English at Queen's University, Belfast, he took up a teaching position in St Columb's College in Derry, where he is currently Head of English.

    His first novel, Borderlands, published by Macmillan New Writing, was shortlisted for the CWA New Blood Dagger 2007 and was hailed by The Times as 'one of (2007's) most impressive debuts.' The second novel in the series, Gallows Lane, was shortlisted for the 2009 Irish Book Awards/Ireland AM Crime Novel of the Year. The third Devlin, Bleed a River Deep, was selected by Publishers Weekly as one of their Best Books of 2010. The fourth Devlin novel, The Rising, will be published in paperback in Spring 2011 alongside the hardback release of LIttle Girl Lost, a new stand-alone novel featuring PSNI Detective Sergeant Lucy Black.



    During a winter blizzard a small girl is found wandering half-naked at the edge of an ancient woodland. Her hands are covered in blood, but it is not her own.

    Unwilling or unable to speak, the only person she seems to trust is the young officer who rescued her, Detective Sergeant Lucy Black.

    DS Black is baffled to find herself suddenly transferred from a high-profile case involving the kidnapping of a prominent businessman’s teenage daughter, to the newly formed Public Protection Unit. Meanwhile, she has her own problems: caring for her Alzheimer’s-stricken father; and avoiding conflict with her surly Assistant Chief Constable – who also happens to be her mother.

    As she struggles to identify the unclaimed child, Lucy begins to realise that this case and the kidnapping may be linked – by events that occurred during the blackest days of the country’s recent history, events that also defined her own girlhood.

    Little Girl Lost is a devastating page-turner about corruption, greed and vengeance, and a father’s love for his daughter.

    Review :

    Lucy is a courageous and determinated person. She has to manage between her job and his father who is sick, it’s not easy for her. Also, she is not in good relation with her mother who divorced from her father when she was young.

    When she discovered this little girl, something happens between them. Lucy is very upset about this little girl and she really want to know what’s happened to her.

    I liked this book, a story as I like and thanks to the author.


    Have a good reading !


    See you soon !!!


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    Bonjour a tous !


    Aujourd'hui 1er Septembre, ce mois-ci nous allons parler de l'Irlande. De ces auteurs et des livres dont l'histoire se deroule en Irlande.

    Nous allons commencer aujourd'hui avec une presentation de l'Irlande, meme si elle n'est plus vraiment a presenter 

    Comme vous le savez l'Irlande (Eire en irlandais) est une ile celtique avec ses traditions tels que la fete de la Saint Patrick le 17 Mars, les danses, la Guinness... 

    C'est la 3eme plus grande ile de l'Europe. 

    Les symboles irlandais sont le trefle, le mouton, le cheval, le saumon, la harpe celtique et la couleur verte.

    Irlande 2


    La littérature irlandaise est étonnamment prolifique. Pour un pays relativement petit, l’Irlande a fait une contribution disproportionnée au monde littéraire dans tous ses domaines. Les œuvres les plus connues en dehors du pays sont de langue anglaise ; les œuvres en irlandais continuent à constituer une partie de la littérature produite, même si l'ampleur de la littérature écrite en irlandais eût été radicalement réduite depuis le xviie siècle. En sus de la tradition écrite, l'Irlande garde jusqu'à aujourd'hui une forte tradition orale de légendes et poésies celtiques, tous en irlandais.

    Le maintien de la langue irlandaise a permis de donner une place spéciale à la littérature irlandaise en anglais à côté des contributions d’autres pays à la littérature anglaise. On dit souvent que les écrivains irlandais, ceux qui écrivirent en anglais, le faisaient d'une manière singulière ; leur spécificité se montrant par une sorte d’émerveillement face à la nature hérité des plus anciennes traditions, un style narratif qui était souvent délibérément exagéré ou absurde et un sens aigu du pouvoir de la satire. De plus, les deux langues ont donné naissance à un dialecte anglais (l'« hiberno-irish ») ayant un syntaxe légèrement distincte et surtout une musicalité particulière. (Article Wikipedia)

    Voici quelques auteurs irlandais les plus connus:

    - Oscar Wilde

    - Maeve Binchy

    - Jonathan Swift

    - Oliver Goldsmith

    - Frank O'Connor

    - Sean O'Faolain


     J'ai decouvert 2 nouveaux auteurs recemment, il s'agit de Anna McPartlin et Sheila O'Flanagan.

    Demain, je vous presenterai un roman, si vous avez des sugestions, vous etes les bienvenus.


    A bientot


    The Book's Paradise


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